Welcome to Julie Old Crow's Dolly Museum.

Please note: if the link isn't high-lighted, it isn't ready yet.
This Museum is a works in progress!
(You May Click Here to Read the 'Appropriate Uses' List for the Museum Pictures, to determine if you need to ask permission.)

Check out our Hitty Artists Gallery NEW Artists!


Do you know who carved this Hitty?


Do you know who carved this Hitty?

Do you know who carved this Hitty?

Please take a look at the additional pictures for the dolls above, and let us know if you know who carved them,
or if you have any additional information about them.

Merry Christmas from Julie Old Crow
Our Version of a Real Hitty Paperdoll

My Personal Collection of Dolly Stuff

My 2006 Bavarian Gathering Hittys The Wooden Hittys
My 2004 Williamsburg Hitty My Quaker Hitty
The Bittys The Hittys' Many Friends
The Shoulderheads Hitty's Dolly Collection
The Bisques and Chinas
The Cloth Hittys
Raikes Quaker Hitty
My 70th Anniversary Collectible Concepts
My Albuquerque Hitty
My 6" Wooden Doll with a Papier Mache
A Doll's Family Album, by Edna Knowles
  My 2011 'All Aboard With Hitty'    
          Stockbridge Event Pictures.

Other Dolly Pages in the Museum
(or linked from our Sister Sites)

Hitty Book Covers


Souvenir Hitty Index (from various Hitty events)


A List of the Gifts Made for the Original Hitty



Hitty Pearl S. Buck Gets Her Photo Taken with the Real Hitty! And Is In the Display at the Stockbridge Library


The Handberg Hitty


Hittys in Different Mediums

My Pictures of the Real Hitty


The Hittygirls Travel Dolls



The Hitty: Her First Hundred Years Timeline
Hitty Research Pages on Hittygirls.com Carved Wooden Hitty Shoulderheads


Hitty and Isabella Van Rensselaer


Pictures of Hittys possible 'Sisters' --a clue as to her origin?

The Strong Museum Hitty  
 Gift of the family of Patricia M. Morse
I don't have this link anymore. Please contact me if you do!
julieoldcrow@gmail.com is the email to use.
The Real Hitty's Measurements


My 2006 Stockbridge Event Souvenirs
On the left, two postcards, my name tag, one of the tags from my display Hitty, and the 'winning ticket' for the Quaker Hitty.
On the right, two notecards, and in the center, what is written on the back of them.
I found these great picture frames at the dollar store!


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