Sometimes Hitty Rose prefers to stay inside on a sleety winter's day. She has many things to keep her busy: cutting out paperdolls, reading, writing in her diary, listening to her MP3 player, or talking on her phone. Her favorite books are about magic--and her JK Rowling's Harry Potter books have been reread so many times, they are getting worn out! Sometimes she likes to fix a glass of chocolate milk and write about her day in her diary. She has been keeping a diary since she was ten years old, and sometimes it's funny to read her old entries.

Her MP3 player was a birthday present from her Uncle. He loaded on lots of great music--and some she had never heard before, from weird bands like the Grateful Dead and the Eagles.

She has been making paperdolls since she could draw, and has many put away in a fancy box. But that doesn't stop her from designing more all the time. Sometimes she thinks she might become a paperdoll artist when she grows up.

Her mother bought her the tracphone last summer, when she began hiking out in the woods alone. In order to keep minutes on it Hitty Rose has to do chores for her mother. She has been a very willing helper, since she got that phone! She saved up her snow-shoveling money and bought her new half-hoodie on sale for only $11.99--and is very happy with it! Her Grandpa laughs whenever he sees Hitty Rose wearing the half-hoodie, and says it must have been on sale because half of it is missing.