Fabric Fling for our Retreat

October 2-3-4, 2009

What is a fabric fling? Well, fun as it sounds it does not involve throwing fat quarters at each other.
(I just had a vision of some old, old game show where contestants stood in a booth and
tried to catch money blowing all around them!)


In this Fabric Fling, you will send two Fat Quarters of Small Scale
Hitty print fabrics to Julie Old Crow.
She will then cut them into Peanuts (1/2 of a fat quarter)
and swap them out with others so that when you attend
the Retreat, you will receive a bag with four peanuts of
all different Hitty scale fabrics.

The Fat Quarters (or 1/4 of a long yard for each color is fine) need to be here
by August 25th. A fat quarter is 1/4th of a yard cut the fat way
and usually measures 18" x 21"-22"

Send to:
Julie DeGroat
42300 New Connecticut Rd
Theresa, NY 13691