North Country Reflections

©Julie G. DeGroat 2009
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Garden Progress for 2009

I had some leaf lettuce seeds, so I tossed them into a plant pot.



My tomatoes are coming along nicely in the big tub. And these have the first blossoms!



The tomatoes in the garden aren't as far along. I've tucked hay around them.



Wow!! The plants are big, now if I actually get a barrel of potatoes...!
This barrel has red potatoes in it, grown from peels.



The cat almost seems like she posed!


June 24th--things are sprouting!



The bean bed. Notice the lack of beans??? I replanted on the 22nd.



One lonely brave bean.



Something--and I think the birds, are pecking out the new growth
when the beans sprout.

The cukes are up!


The first blossoms on the girls' pumpkin plants.


My barrel white potatoes are blooming!


Aren't these the most gorgeous flowers?
The flowers on the red potato barrel aren't open yet.

Some bug is nibbling the leaves. If I catch it--it's dead!



July 2nd----The first of the radishes are ready!



My first harvest.



The girl's pumpkin plants are getting sassy!



Basil in a pot, with two other herbs. The basil is doing great, anyways.



I planted four cauliflower in a pot--they're doing great.


These are obviously not cherry tomatoes, as I thought!
