Scenes from the Woods

June 2009

©Julie G. DeGroat 2009
No photos or columns may be reproduced for any reason
without permission. No photos or columns may be added to another
web site without permission.

Right after the rain, clearing up.



Ten minutes later--the sun is peeking out!


These were taken within five minutes of each other.


The Lemon Lilies are beginning to bloom.



And the lilacs are dying back. sigh.



Ants might seem gross on the Peonys, but are needed for...something!



I have foiled the raccoons! I removed the feeder they were eating from,
hung it high out of their reach, and replaced it with this hanging



The pears are coming along nicely.



The Ragged Robin is just opening.



My new plan--grass from the garden is being used to fill in the
old sidewalk hole.



My Spirea bush is budding beautifully. It grew a lot last year.





Sunset on the pond.



A beaver is just coming out to work up the dam.



My wild roses are budding.




Some horrid bug is eating my Laura's Yellow Flowers!
But not for long. I will squash him like a......ummmmmm, bug!


I've tentatively identified this pretty bush as a Nannyberry.



The Ragged Robins are in full bloom--such as they are, ha!




I can't grow regular roses, but these very small wild roses suit me just fine.

The Iris plants are finally blooming. This year I am putting in more Iris beds.



Tiny yellow clover


Common Red Clover


Lots of new growth on the pines this year.



My spirea blooms are opening.


Ok--I give up. I went through both of my wildflower books, and can't find this!