Scenes from the Woods

July 2009


My spruce is coming along nicely! My son dug these up from the
edge of a neighbor's hayfield, and planted them for me.


The miniature sunflowers are growing--and getting flower heads!



I took my camera down the trail--this is Virginia Creeper.



And my fav. wild flower (besides dandelions) the Buttercup!




Can't find this one--but it sure is pretty.



Chickory (also known as cornflowers)



The grasses have spread from our neighbor's field's into my son's side lawn.



These purple beauties may look big, but each one is less than 1/4".



the same with these delicate pink trumpet-like flowers.



These lovely large plants are a fixture in the fields.


No idea what this is--did I plant it years ago? Is it a weed?

Hello, little boy!