Scenes from the Woods

July 2009

This teensy butterfly is the Ruddy Copper

It is about the size of a nickel and when you see one, you see dozens!



Although these wildflowers look huge, the White Heath Asters are less than an inch across.


Deptford Pink, a delicate pink flower that is about 3/4" across.

My Christmas Cactus is finally showing some growth!
My grandmother was always giving me lovely Christmas Cactus that she
rooted for me--and then I just kill them. But last year when she gave me this one,
she said her mother used to keep them outside under a bush or tree all
summer. And look! It has new growth after two years of sitting there
doing nothing!


We never had cat-tails on our beaver pond
until a few years ago.


My apples are growing!



Common Milkweed

Monarch butterflies love this plant!


The Daylilies are a'bloom.


Aren't they gorgeous?


Foggy morning in the North.


A Queen Anne's Lace is about to bloom.



I believe this MAY be wild honeysuckle--it looks like the picture in my book.



Bearberry? Sigh--I have tons of books, and no two agree!


This is a much more pleasant image.



Note the pollen all over this sweetie!






This is a Tiger Swallowtail.

My lettuce is coming along nicely!


It's a rainy day in the neighborhood!




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