Scenes from the Woods


I'd like to say the hazy, hot days of summer are here....but they aren't.
This has been a cold, wet summer so far!


Cornflower or Chickory flowers.


I think this is a weird Cosmo from seeds from the $$ Store.


The only way I can enjoy Goldenrod is through a picture.



Hollyhock blossoms!


Marigolds, the gardener's staple!


Morning Glories.


And more Morning Glories!


Giant Zinnias.


No idea, but it grows in my flower bed! Phlox?


From my hanging basket.


Petunias--yet another gardener's staple!




A bee sips from some clover.


My miniature sunflowers are opening.


In the same pot!



And another miniature sunflower.



the apples are getting ripe!



Three fell off the tree, and I was forced to eat them. (heh!)



Black-eyed Susans



My hollyhocks bloomed!



Gorgeous flowers.



The Cosmos are at their peak.



Zinnias, too!



A zinnia getting ready to open.






The Cosmo bed.



My full-sized sunflowers.



A white flower.