The Wooden Hittys, Page Two

June, Penny Lope, and Kanta Lope, basswood, by Julie Old Crow (My first Hittys), 2001

Cathy, White Ash, carved by Hitty Artist Pat Thompson, 2003

Minerva McGonnigal, carved by Hitty Artist Pat Thompson, 2002.
Elastic Jointed.


Charlotte, carved by Hitty Artist Sara Cole, 2001


Zora. I bought this Hitty from ebay a few years ago--and do not
remember who carved her. She is not signed.
If you know who carved this Hitty, please contact me here!
Elastic Jointed.


Emma, carved by Hitty Artist Kathy Dice, 2004.
Elastic Jointed.


Hitty Cranberry, from Cranberry Island 2005
Flat Wooden Paperdoll.


Hitty Roy, carved by Hitty artist Roy Sterrett, #72.
Possibly this was a UFDC souvenier from 1979 Rapid City South Dakota.
Jean Lotz has some info on a similar Hitty, although she is dressed differently.
Pegged with wood.
If you know, please contact me here!


Hitty Violet Beauregard, carved by Hitty Artist Tracy Crawford, 2006 basswood.
Elastic jointed.